Teaching Character Strengths at Home
Lauren Lee Lauren Lee

Teaching Character Strengths at Home

Learning about character strengths has many benefits for kids, including increased self-awareness, boosted well-being, positive behavior, personal growth, resilience and stronger relationships. Here are a way few ways to teach character strengths to kids at home.

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Book Basket: Love
Lauren Lee Lauren Lee

Book Basket: Love

Explore the character strength of love with this book basket of children’s books.

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Book Basket: Well-Being and Meaning
Lauren Lee Lauren Lee

Book Basket: Well-Being and Meaning

Here are book basket suggestions for children’s books related to gratitude and other character strengths that boost meaning and well-meaning, like social intelligence, perspective and spirituality.

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Great books for budding musicians
Lauren Lee Lauren Lee

Great books for budding musicians

Here are some of our favorite books related to music that reinforce this idea of music as a noble pursuit—something special beyond the notes.

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What is strength-based parenting?
Lauren Lee Lauren Lee

What is strength-based parenting?

In The Strength Switch psychologist Lea Waters points out that we are often more attuned to our kids’ shortcomings than to their strengths. Strength-based parenting does the opposite, focusing first on the strengths that our kids already have, as opposed to weaknesses or what needs to be “fixed.”

When we work with our kids from their highest baseline, we support their flourishing; when we work with them from their lowest baseline, we merely lessen a negative, at best.

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