Explore the virtues and character strengths universal across cultures and history

Character strengths are clustered together across six core virtues converging across culture and time.

Strengths of Wisdom

The strengths of wisdom are creativity, curiosity, judgment, love of learning and perspective. These are cognitive strengths that are distinct from intelligence yet relate to high levels of knowledge and ability, ask larger questions about life and are used for the greater good.

Strengths of Courage

The strengths of courage are bravery, honesty, perseverance and zest. These are strengths of will and purpose that allow people to meet their goals in spite of internal or external threat.

Strengths of Humanity

The strengths of humanity are kindness, love and social intelligence. These are interpersonal strengths that express themselves through caring and one-on-one relationships with others.

Strengths of Temperance

The strengths of temperance are forgiveness, humility, prudence and self-regulation. These strengths protect us from temptation and excess, and are connected with many positive consequences in school, relationships and life. These strengths are not always visible in that they are often displayed through abstaining from something.

Strengths of Transcendence

The strengths of transcendence are appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality. These are strengths that allow people to connect to the larger universe and make meaning in life, and have a reaching quality going beyond the individual.

Strengths of Justice

The strengths of justice are fairness, leadership and teamwork. These are strengths that express themselves in broad interpersonal situations and in one-to-many relationships.