About Character Kid Lit

Hello! I’m Lauren, a mom to two young kids with a background in education and book publishing. When the pandemic first closed our schools in early 2020, my kids and I started exploring character strengths at home. Reading books was a fun and effective way for us to learn about the strengths and understand what they may look like in everyday life.

The character strength book guides on this website started out as our lists for library pick-ups and our home library. I’ve whittled them down to our favorites, and want to share them with you, too! I’ll continue to update the lists, and create and share resources that may be helpful in terms of character education and social emotional learning on the blog. If you like the information on this site and wish to support it, please consider using the links to BookShop or Amazon when adding any new books to your shelf; I use affiliate links to keep this site running and may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

This is a passion project and I hope to keep it running with updated books and more resources. Hope you find it useful in your own quest raising good, kind and principled little people.

All written content on CharacterKidLit.com is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Please share book lists, blog posts, and information, but content may not be downloaded, disseminated, reproduced, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with written permission.